A Fusion of Sound… Spoken Word & Music
Ted Washington (vocals, synthesizer), pays homage to this idea of something being so beautiful and terrible at the same time in collaboration with Krista Coppedge (trumpet, synthesizer), Jon Cordova (guitar) and Andromeda Breeze (dance).
The band fuses spoken word, jazz, electronica and various music genres to create an emotive landscape for poetry and dance that explores issues of love, drugs, nihilism and socio-economic casting.

What is Pruitt Igoe Housing Project?
Built in St. Louis, Missouri has been regarded as one of the most infamous failures of public housing in American history. This marvel in architecture turned into a crime-plagued ghetto that even the poor wouldn’t live in. After spending more than $5 million in vain, the St. Louis Housing Authority and later the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development declared Pruitt-Igoe unsalvageable and razed the mammoth, high-rise apartments.

Our tour
North Park Music Festival
Pruitt Igoe is stoked to be performing out doors in the daylight at the North Park Music Festival!
1p Saturday, May 27th
North Park, San Diego
The North Park Music Fest will be held in the beautiful new North Park Mini Park and surrounding streets at 3812 29th St, San Diego, CA 92104